Aug 27, 2008


Every convention needs a good catchphrase!

The Whigs had "Tippie canoe and Tyler too," Kennedy had "the New Frontier"
Bill Clinton had "A place called Hope" in 1992.

Michael Dukakis floated on the wings of Ann Richards' "Poor George" speech in 1988.
Al Gore had "You ain't seen nothing yet"
And John Kerry to this day wakes up every morning in a cold sweat, screaming "Help is on the way!"
...hrmmm. You know what? Maybe memorable catchphrases aren't all that predictive of success.

But this year's Democratic Convention already has two in as many days. There's "yes we can," the Obama theme that already feels like an old standby, because he's been campaigning for president for 100 years. And now there's the new one Hillary Clinton coined last night, "No way, no how, no McCain."

Easy. Kind of funny. Takes a while to say. But the second she said it, I was thinking of how the Republicans would respond to it.

And if I already thought of it, you can bet that someone else has too.
There's another catchphrase that has been circulating...
It's even easier to remember than Hillary's. It's clean and simple, and fits on a bumper sticker real nice like.

Expect to see this on SUV's and Ford F10's and Hummers for the next 4 months.